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Blue Monday 2012- the most depressing day of the year?

As the date of ‘Blue Monday’ is calculated, we offer you some simple steps you can take to lessen the blues.

The January blues have suddenly become a lot more specific, being at their most vivid on 16th January according to a formula used to calculate the most depressing day of the year. This takes into account the weather, the distance from Christmas, the level of individual debt and failure of New Year’s resolutions; ‘Blue Monday’ is decided.

The outlook becomes even worse when you think about the large gap between most people’s December and January payday, combined with the delivery of active credit card users’ January statements.

The current economic climate means that ‘Blue Monday’ is going to affect more demographics than ever before – youth unemployment over a million, house repossessions forecast to rise again, to name but a few bleak statistics- it could feel that these January pressures are reaching their peak.

The outlook isn’t all doom and gloom though and there are steps you can take to put you on the right track.


Set an agreed amount to spend at the start of each month. Try to put aside a little bit each month as a contingency plan for any emergencies that may arise.

Plan Ahead

Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries come but once a year yet they still catch people out. Plan ahead for set dates and what specific gifts you have in mind and your monthly budgeting could be much more successful.


Buy in bulk in the supermarket but only if it’s a necessity. Use the calculator on your phone to price up whether a bulk buy really is good value for your money. A box of 12 light bulbs for example probably isn’t needed. However, buy one get one free on an everyday item will be worthwhile.


Whilst you spend. If as a habit you use the same supermarket for the majority of your shopping, look into loyalty cards or reward schemes they offer- it could greatly reduce your weekly spend.

If you’ve tried all of the above and you’re still struggling, we can offer specific advice on your debts and offer solutions please give us a call on 0800 019 2095 or complete our call-back form now

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