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How to survive Valentine’s Day in debt

Just when you’re starting to recover from the extra money you spent at Christmas, along comes Valentine’s Day, which for many is another pressure to spend money that you don’t have. So what are your options if you don’t want to overspend this Valentine’s Day?

Well the obvious answer to is to ignore the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day altogether, treat it as a normal day and carry on as you were. However this is easier said than done, especially when everywhere you look you are reminded about it, shop windows, restaurants announcing their Valentine’s Day menus, people talking about it and perhaps worst of all, the thought that you might end up disappointing your partner.

Valentine’s Day Dates on a Budget

If ignoring the day altogether is comepletly out of the question, why not plan a Valentine’s evening in? There’s no rule which says that you must eat out at a restaurant to celebrate, with a bit of imagination you can create a romantic atmoshpere in your own home. It’s a much cheaper alternative to eating out and if cooking isn’t your forte many of the supermarkets have Valentine’s Day meal deals which are very popular.budget ideas for Valentines Day

The budget Valentine’s Day gift

Budget gifts can always be a bit tricky because you don’t want to give a gift that looks very obviously cheap. Getting creative and making a gift is a nice idea, but if you’re anything like me, the items I make never quite turn out how they’re supposed to – no matter how carefully I copy the youtube tutorial video! That’s why I’d say honesty is the best policy, as un-romantic as it may sound, telling your partner that you can’t afford a big Valentine’s Day present this year is better than having them expect an amazing gift and being disappointed with your actual gift.
Personally, for the past few years I’ve told my other half to buy my Valentine’s Day box of chocolates AFTER the day itself when all the shops have reduced the prices!

Single on Valentine’s Day?

Some may say the singletons are the lucky ones on Valentine’s Day, with no need to buy a gift, or spend their money to treat someone else. However I’m pretty sure a lot of single people would disagree with this! Avoid the pitfalls of treating yourself to a gift that you really don’t need just because everyone else seems to be buying.

Will you be cutting back this year for Valentine’s Day? Vote in our poll now and if you have any tips for celebrating Valentine’s Day on a budget leave a comment and share your views!
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