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That left over feeling

I saw this article on Christmas food waste the other day.

It staggered me. Apparently we waste 230,000 tonnes of food in Britain over the Christmas period. I reckon that’s around 4 kilos of food for every man, woman, child and baby in the country. No wonder Rover and Kitty look a bit corpulent on the scraps. More poignantly, that’s more than two tons of waste food for each homeless family in the country.

I’m no scrooge – I want to provide a great family Christmas and, this year, my Mum and my sister are doing most of the work and most of the paying. Nevertheless, I spent £75 yesterday just on the stuff I’d committed to for a boxing day lunch for eight.

Now, more than ever, i’m determined to waste not a pennorth’s worth.

I remember Christmas being a time for the creative use of left overs – and I think it should be again. It isn’t just the waste that’s worrying – it’s that we spend as much on food for a week, at Christmas, as we do in any other month (or longer) throughout the rest of the year.

So – I’m going to try to save money be using everything and keeping the recycling to a minimum.

Here are a few of the sites that will help me make the most of my left overs:

Love Food Hate Waste
Christmas Leftover Recipes from Good to Know
Good Food Channel Christmas Leftover Recipes

Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous new year to all our readers.

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