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The cost effective Christmas

Every year, we talk about it, and now it’s time to talk about it again – Christmas budgeting!
Too many presents to buy, too many guests for lunch and not enough money in the pot.  Well, at least this year, you’re not the only one!

If you have to spend at all, the only way you’ll survive this Christmas, is by creating a budget, and one which is realistic and affordable.  Pay for your goods with cash only – leaving your cards at home, and no room for temptation – even if the packaging is extra nice!

Experts at moneysupermarket are also trying to help shoppers use their spends sensibly in the run up to the festive season and unless your name is Ebineezer Scrooge, I hope this is one time, advice from all parties will be warmly welcomed.

Store cards with special offers on, discounts for first purchases, glitzy, glamorous gift sets, and pre wrapped gifts with ribbons and bows, are often danger zone for any shopper who’s been staying away from the shops in order to budget well throughout the year.  As December dawns, it often all goes to pot, and as the eyes glaze over, temptation takes over.


Our top 5 rules for buying anything this Christmas is:

–    Make a list of what you need to buy – and only what you need.  Not want, just…need.
–    Research online before going out to any shops and note down the name of the site and the price the goods are offered so that when you do go out shopping, you have this with you to ensure you’re getting to best deal, and not swayed by displays.
–    Don’t take your cards with – just take enough cash with you for what you need to ensure no overspending.
–    Ask yourself, before any purchase, Do you really need it?  Often, the answer is “no”, and if it is “yes”, there’s normally a cheaper alternative you could also consider.
–    Remember your budget, budget, budget!!

Use this space to share money saving tips, bargain buys, and any other ideas you have to help ensure we spend sensibly and wisely this festive season so the new year starts with a sore head for the right reasons! 😉

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