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The long hot summer of the recession – it’s not over yet!

It’s hot, hot, hot this summer – at least for a day or two.  And as the temperatures continue to rise, we’ll be sweating out more than just the weather!

Although business lobby group, CBI indicate the worst of the recession is over, I wonder about the false hopes they’re currently giving people.  They talk about the stabilisation period we now face before growth can return and I question how many people think this is all going to happen in an instant – I can guarantee you, it’s not.

Growth is predicted to take place in 2010.  But before we reach that point, CBI director general, Richard Lambert explained “For positive growth to return, lenders need to feel more confident so that credit can start flowing again. The return to growth is likely to be a slow and gradual one; difficult credit conditions are still affecting business behaviour.”

The press may be getting excited about the end of the recession, but we’ve still got a long way to go.

Recovering from the aftermath of the recession isn’t go to be about celebrating going back to normal, but in fact, far from it – it will be a sobering experience where we can thank our lucky stars we survived and promise ourselves that budget sense will become an essential part of our lifestyle.

So as we gather ourselves together to start on the positive route forward, now is the time to share this information with anyone you know.  How best to save, where best to save, how much to save, etc.  for if we don’t take it upon ourselves to share, who will?!

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