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A very merry Christmas? Not likely!!

The word on the street is that the recession may finally be coming to an end and 2010 could be the year of recovery for the country’s economy.  Despite this, the employment crisis isn’t, and as figures in this area reach an all time high, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that for many people around the UK, the festive season is starting to look a lot less…festive.

A recent Guardian article confirmed unemployment is rising and is now the highest ever seen in nearly 10 years! In fact, the Broad International Labour Office has also now confirmed that unemployment figures rose by 210,000 in just 3 months earlier this summer.  Not looking good, is it?

So, can anyone give us a straight answer on this issue?  One week we hear the recession is coming to an end, and another we’re told that’s poppycock! The only thing that’s very clear right now, is that as Christmas gets closer by the day, being without a job in January 2010 is a very likely reality for many people across the UK.

In the good old days, pre–recession, it would normally take someone around 12 weeks to secure new employment.  Today, this is far from the case. 6 months to a year is becoming the more likely time required to find a job…not one that’s definitely suitable, but that you’re employable for – against the vast competition now out there – and which pays the salary you need, rather than the salary you were last on!  Confirming this saddening situation is TUC general secretary Brendan Barber who told The Guardian: “There are now over a million people out of work for more than six months, one in three of them under 25. There are no signs of recovery here.”

So with Christmas wish lists being written and posted out to the North Pole, it’s not hard to guess what’ll be at top of most of them!  Here’s hoping Santa can deliver!

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