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Love is in the air, Valentine

Despite the looming debt on everyone’s doorsteps, the love affair between consumer and credit card seem to be in full bloom as Valentine’s Day creeps upon us.

Credit Action have reported that although we may have done well to cut back on our spending during the credit crunch, now that we’re supposedly “out of the recession”, it seems many shoppers have unshackled their chains and re-acquainted themselves with their long lost lover, the credit card.

To spur the thirst for shopping along, the stores are now also promoting their spring range of products and temptation is sizzling hot!  After so much doom and gloom, who can resist the appeal of brighter days – and the wardrobe to match.  And if it isn’t clothes, maybe it’s some new bedding that you’ve been putting off buying, or a new set of crockery?

But do we really need these things or have we just reached the end of disciplined spending?

If you think you’re struggling to continue tightening the purse strings, and have waivered to indulge in non-essential purchases, then share your thoughts here on why you think people are now turning back to credit cards to buffer a little home and self improvement?

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