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Redundancy help and support

Redundancy is just the catalyst that can tip many people into spiralling debt and an uncontrollable financial situation. We have seen this all too familiar scenario many times.

In these tough economic times the threat of redundancy has never been so rife; with the shocking figure of 1500+ people being made redundant a day- is it any wonder that there is a distinct lack of job security and a great number of people out of work?

Because of this, the topic of redundancy is never far from our blog and we’ve written many different articles about it. Where we could, we have offered support, advice and discussion across a range of redundancy topics; here is a selection of these articles:

Our IVA Supervisory manager, Tylah Thompson details the implications a redundancy can have on your IVA and what you can expect to happen. Read the full article- How redundancy will affect your IVA

In response to the new redundancy figures; an informative article about the connection between redundancy and debt using the Citizens Advice (CAB) guidance in establishing your rights and priority concerns. Read the full article- Unemployment a key cause of debt

An article about the financially vulnerable position most households in the UK are in. With a comment from the chairman of the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) about how factors such as redundancy could be the tipping point into real financial difficulty. Read the full article- Debt problems loom for “62 million households’’

[View the story “Redundancy resources from around the web” on Storify]
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