ClearDebt were at the Debt Resolution Forum annual conference last week. This is one view of the event from a ClearDebt employee who was part of the DRF Events Team and helped out on the day.
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Debt has been in the headlines a lot lately, from national UK debt to football teams. The stories which perhaps have had the biggest impact are the real-life debt stories which show the human side of debt and in some extreme cases the loss of life due to debt.
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Another article has been published recently in a national newspaper about the rising levels of women in debt. We challenge the view that all women are in debt due to irresponsible spending.
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ClearDebt received some very positive feedback from a ClearDebt IVA holder, their review of ClearDebt is shared here.
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The Guardian’s “diary of a debtor” blog story has brought up an interesting option for some people in debt – a full and final IVA. We look in more depth at how these work and what’s involved in clearing your debt using this method.
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Daily Mail columnist Liz Jones as talking about her debts again, but this time she’s also talking about women in general and why she thinks so many women can’t manage their finances. Her columns are always controversial and usually receive a lot of strong comments! We dissect her article and find that amongst her sob story, she makes some very valid points about personal debt problems in women.
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