Credit card rates need to be slashed by the government to help people struggling with debt and to aid the revival of the economy, an industry expert h…
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There are higher levels of bankruptcy and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA) for men than there are for women, figures show.
Statistics releas…
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Women could be risking debt if their only plan to survive if they become ill is to rely on state benefits, a life insurance specialist has warned.
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People may have to become more vigilant about their finances to avoid debt, as at least three million borrowers do not know the interest they are paying on their mortgage. Almost 30 per cent of those who have accepted loans…
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The creation of a “new generation” of financially hindered people could lead to increased debt problems, an industry expert has suggested. Teresa Perchard, director of policy at Citizens Advice, warned that the recession had resulted in a group of people…
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Savings levels in Britain have significantly dropped this winter, suggesting people could be flirting with debt, a study has shown. According to NS&I’s Savings Survey, the population is putting aside less money than it has for the previous two years.…
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Retired couples could face debt troubles as the cost of living has dramatically increased, a study suggests. Research carried out by MGM Advantage has shown that people aged between 65 and 74 would have to locate an extra £774.70 a…
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A labour MP has said that the government will be taking measures to build a more responsible financial framework to help people from slipping into debt. Helen Goodman, the secretary of state at the Department for Work and Pensions, was…
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