Credit card debt looks likely to fuel much of the spending on British high streets in the final hours before Christmas, according to recent research. Figures compiled by Sainsbury’s Bank show that around £380.9 million worth of credit card debt…
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Money lenders around the UK are likely to increasingly tighten their credit criteria in the new year, one expert has asserted. Neil Munroe, external affairs director for Equifax is convinced that more and more people will have their credit applications…
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Many of the UK’s over-55s are struggling to maintain control over the debt management situation, according to a recent report. Figures from the credit report firm Callcredit show that around 16 per cent of all people in this age bracket…
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The Citizens Advice bureaux (CAB) in Northampton has highlighted some of the financial woes being face by the hundreds of local people who approach its staff for debt advice. According to the bureaux’s own estimate, the 900 most recent indebted…
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The UK’s housing market has begun a period of slowdown, according to the latest assessment of the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML). In November, for the first time since July 2005, the gross amounts of money borrowed to buy property…
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Borrowers from across the UK could face an “extremely tough year” financially in 2008, it has been asserted. Paul Fletcher, director of the Repossessions Advice Centre, suggests that thousands of homeowners will be faced with serious debt management concerns when…
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Around ten per cent of British adults keep the details of their debt management circumstances hidden from their partners, according to recent research. Figures from Engage Mutual Assurance show that millions of men and women around the country are failing…
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With millions of people around the country struggling to become debt free, Sainsbury’s Bank has predicted that this month will see record amounts of money drawn from ATMs nationwide. The financial services firm estimates that over the course of December…
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