Figures from CreidtExpert suggest that consumers in the UK believe tying the knot will cost them around £9,000, despite the average pay out for a wedding standing at close to £17,000. In addition, the latest research shows that more than…
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During the first quarter of 2006, Britons borrowed 35 pence for every pound they saved, while in the same period of this year UK consumers took on 41 pence in personal debt for every pound set aside, the latest figures…
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MPs from each of the three main political parties have now signed a parliamentary motion calling for government efforts to give the UK’s young people access to “meaningful financial education”. Liberal Democrat MP and economic expert Julia Goldsworthy said: “Many…
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A study carried out by Scottish Widows has shown that the majority of workers in the UK are not saving enough money to be secure when they reach old age and those with debt management problems are among those struggling…
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According to the minutes of the most recent meeting of the rate-setting monetary policy committee (MPC), Mr King was one of four members who wanted to see the cost of borrowing increase in June. However, the five remaining members of…
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Figures from Lloyds TSB show that one in ten UK consumers polled within this age range now make a financially-guided decision over whether to enter higher education. In addition, a fifth of all 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain now admit…
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With the ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces set to come in across England next month, the mortgage broker’s own figures suggest that homeowners could avoid years of indebtedness if their cigarette funds are used instead to overpay their…
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With thousands of households around the country in need of a debt solution, figures from Abbey have shown that more than 5.5 million joint account holders in the UK spend money secretively. Furthermore, Abbey reports that 24 per cent of…
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