The internet can be a useful resource for people looking for debt advice, it has been claimed. Steve Genders, the head of web at Norwich Union, said that it is important for people to develop their own knowledge online before…
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Despite spending hours researching financial products, most Brits are still unaware of where their money is going, a new report has suggested. A survey from Norwich Union has revealed that although 53 pence in every pound is spent on financial…
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Households in the south-east are less likely to have high energy debts, a new report has suggested. A study from the Fair Investment Company has found that while people in Yorkshire and Humberside pay an average of £59 a month…
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Households struggling to handle their energy debt management have been warned to turn to prepayment meters only as a last resort. Price comparison site uSwitch has urged consumers to avoid the meters if possible as they can be more expensive…
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Consumer watchdog Which? has encouraged the public to switch energy suppliers in order to avoid debt. It comes after a survey from the body revealed that five out of the six largest energy firms in the UK scored less than…
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Lloyds TSB has launched a new scheme that will allow customers to handle debt management through their mobile phones. It is the first UK bank to offer the service, where people can monitor accounts, arrange transfers and receive text messages…
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Equity release has been described as a “feasible option” for some pensioners by a banking expert. David Black, a consultant at Defaqto, claims that it should be considered as a source of income for retired people. It comes after a…
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Britons are carrying out more debt management due to the credit crunch, it has been suggested. A survey from Co-operative Life Planning has found that 66.5 per cent of respondents said they planned more now than they used to and…
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