Using a credit card to gain a cash advance should be an “absolute no no”, it has been suggested. According to the cost of taking out extra cash via a credit card has risen by around 5.5 per cent…
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The changes to the tax structure that were brought in after the government u-turn on the abolition of the 10p tax rate do not go far enough to help those left out of pocket, it has been claimed. According to…
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There has been something of a boom in home renovations as an increasing number of people look to improve their own property rather than buy a new one, according to a report from LV=. Around 57 per cent of people…
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British consumers have been warned that they should not rely on an inheritance windfall to improve their financial wellbeing. A report from has suggested that almost half of all adults in the UK are expecting to benefit to some…
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Consumer confidence in the UK has taken another tumble and reached levels not seen since the early part of 1990. The GfK NOP index, which is used in the assessments of the Bank of England, has put consumer confidence at…
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There is no end in sight for the ongoing downturn in the UK’s housing sector, according to the majority of people quizzed by YouGov recently. Close to three-quarters of the British consumers questioned said that they expect to see the…
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The rising fuel bills that British consumers have been experiencing in recent months could spark a drive towards more environmentally friendly living, it has been claimed. According to a report from, many households are aiming to reduce their energy…
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The scale of so-called distressed borrowing is likely to increase across the country in months to come, it has been claimed. According to Howard Archer from the Global Insight research firm, more and more British consumers will turned to credit…
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