A review has been launched with the aim of assessing the latest evidence of how debt management problems and mental health are linked in the UK. The Finance and Leasing Association, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Money Advice…
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Elderly parents are adding the financial strain for almost 1.7 million adults around the UK, a new report has suggested. With millions of people already facing debt management difficulties, close to one in ten are using their own cash to…
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Given the state of the economy, this is not time to relax, indebted UK consumers have been warned. According to a report from GE Money, an increasing number of people are adjusting their spending habits in the wake of the…
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Many thousands of people aged over 55 in the UK are heading towards retirement with a significant debt management burden, new figures suggest. The problems amounts to “debt time-bomb” and is primarily caused by a widespread inability among aging homeowners…
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People facing serious debt management difficulties have been urged not to ignore their problems in the hope that they will disappear. It is particularly important to keep a sharp focus on proceedings if your lender is trying to legal repossess…
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applying for Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), it has been claimed. According to the UK Insolvency Helpline, fewer homeowners are being denied the option of entering an IVA because the value of their property exceeds their total debts. However, as house…
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Surveyors in the UK have been left to lament the slump in the housing market as homeowners struggle to control their finances and clear debt. According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), the number of transactions its members…
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Banks in Britain are leveraging charges deemed by many to be unfair against more than half of their customers, according to a new report. Research carried out by the Fair Investment Company (FIC) has suggested that around 25 per cent…
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