The number of Britons needing debt management plans could be set to rise as a warning has been issued that the risks of a new recession have soared.
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Those with credit card debt and owing money in other ways may suddenly find they go from being comfortable with their borrowing to unable to cope at a…
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The levels of debt people will get into over Christmas may be much less than in previous years, an expert has said.
Discussing the approaching fest…
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An index measuring the financial wellbeing of households has seen its worst ever decline, suggesting many more consumers could be facing serious debt …
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Debt consolidation can help save interest if carried out swiftly on credit card balances, research has shown.
A study by noted…
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The task of debt management has been made harder for many by the rise in inflation, but a leading businessman has predicted this will fall back next y…
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Worrying about debt is not the answer, whereas taking practical steps is, an expert has said.
Commenting on the issue, hypnotherapist and…
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Credit card and other borrowing levels remain low, according to a new study on lending.
The Finance and Leasing Association (FLA) has dra…
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