People with debt troubles could lessen the burden by giving up smoking, new research has suggested.
A study conducted by has r…
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People appear to be saving more money in an attempt to stave off debt concerns, newly-released figures have suggested.
A Bank of England report rev…
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Individuals need to start saving for their retirement, an expert has claimed, as not doing do may see them end up with debt concerns.
Martin Palmer…
Continue reading the "Over 65s to require help with their debts?" »
More advice should be given to new parents to prevent them needing debt help, an expert has claimed.
David Rodger, managing director of the Debt Ad…
Continue reading the "Money worries ‘can see parents get stressed’" »
Debt problems appear to be forcing mothers back to work earlier, leaving them with less time off to look after their children.
A report from uSwitc…
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A fifth of consumers are now using debt to finance their living costs, with the majority of them struggling to meet repayments, according to a new sur…
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People in debt could avoid large repair bills on their properties by insuring their houses against subsidence risks.
Halifax has warned homeowners …
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People are being advised to put any spare money into paying off debt.
Kevin Mountford, head of savings at, believes putting ex…
Continue reading the "Spare cash ‘should go towards paying debt’" »