Debt management plans that incur fees can often save consumers money in the long run compared to free alternatives, according to ClearDebt.
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Individual voluntary arrangements could soon be on the increase, it has been warned.
The UK Insolvency Helpline has spoken out in response to a Hou…
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There are higher levels of bankruptcy and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA) for men than there are for women, figures show.
Statistics releas…
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Unemployed people and others looking for extra work may find that they are faced with potential debt problems as a result of work-from-home cons. According to the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT’s) Scams Awareness Month campaign, such schemes are ways…
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Individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs) have been applauded as a better route for some debtors to go down than bankruptcy, which even in these modern times still comes with some stigma attached to it. Insolvency practitioner and director at Vantis Business…
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The number of applications for individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs) has continued to rise although people appear to be paying back less money. This is according to TDX Group, a company dedicated to providing debt recovery solutions for major banking, government…
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An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) has been set up to enable property developer Chek Whyte to pay off the money he owes to creditors and avoid bankruptcy. The businessman, who shot to fame when he appeared on the second series…
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As part of its series of articles on debt management problems, has indicated the ways in which individual voluntary agreements (IVAs) can help those struggling to control their debts. IVAs, which are only available to those owing over £15,000…
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