Consumers looking to take out loans, credit cards or overdrafts have been advised that there can be large variation in the amounts that borrowers are charged. Principal consultant of banking at Defaqto David Black explained that the best deals are…
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Consumers are having difficulties accessing secured loans, it has been claimed. Moneyfacts has noted that 14 lenders of the products have withdrawn from the market since the middle of 2007, leaving just three second-charge secured loans providers in the sector.…
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Britons are showing more caution about spending on their credit cards, it has been suggested, something that could lower the chances of them needing debt help links in the future. Credit card usage has been falling, while the popularity of…
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More middle-class people are contacting organisations to enquire about taking out a debt solution, it has been stated. Adam Clarke, the head of financial inclusion organisation Transact, remarked that members are reporting higher levels of well-off individuals looking for debt…
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Contactless payment technology is set to benefit consumers, it has been revealed. A representative from Apacs, the UK payments association, noted that a trial being launched by Mastercard in Boots stores will prove to be a useful method of paying…
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Britain’s nurses are more worried about debt management in the wake of the economic downturn, a new report has revealed. Figures from LV= have shown that 72 per cent of the medical workers questioned have become increasingly anxious about their…
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Rates for borrowers of unsecured personal loans have increased by 44 per cent in two years, it has been claimed, something that could lead to people needing a debt solution in the future. Moneyfacts stated that rates for loans of…
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The amount of residents in Staffordshire seeking debt advice has increased, it has been reported. Hanley’s Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) dealt with an extra 1,000 people in the first three months of 2009, who were seeking advice on how to…
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