Credit card customers are struggling to pay off debts from last Christmas even as they spend on this year’s festivities, new research has found. A study by price comparison website has revealed over 4.5 million people have still not…
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A new package of advice has been launched by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) as an increasing number of people are made redundant. Entitled Coping with the Economic Downturn and Facing Redundancy, the booklets offer advice and tips to those…
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There is a growing trend of consumers using credit cards instead of cash for inexpensive purchases, new research has found. A study by Sainsbury’s Credit Cards found that 7.55 million Britons are adopting the practice, spending a total of £3.64…
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Norwich Union has identified a new demographic of people who are facing a greater financial burden as a result of changing lifestyle trends. Nicknamed the ‘sandwich generation’, the lender believes those of middle age who are having to provide for…
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A new agreement between credit card companies and the government is set to benefit borrowers who are struggling to pay off their debts. The two parties have agreed a set of ‘fair principles’, which will result in lenders no longer…
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Consumers have been urged to be “savvy” with their money in order to minimise the financial outlay over Christmas. The advice comes from Michelle Slade of Moneyfacts, who noted that cutting down on unnecessary expenditure – for example forgoing buying…
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A quarter of the UK’s population is struggling to keep control of their finances as a result of the credit crunch, new research from Axa has found. Figures from the company show that a total of 11.6 million people are…
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A growing number of consumers are choosing to make their Christmas purchases on credit cards, new figures have revealed. Research by found a 16.6 per cent increase in the number of credit card applications taking place in November compared…
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