applying for Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), it has been claimed. According to the UK Insolvency Helpline, fewer homeowners are being denied the option of entering an IVA because the value of their property exceeds their total debts. However, as house…
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Surveyors in the UK have been left to lament the slump in the housing market as homeowners struggle to control their finances and clear debt. According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), the number of transactions its members…
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Banks in Britain are leveraging charges deemed by many to be unfair against more than half of their customers, according to a new report. Research carried out by the Fair Investment Company (FIC) has suggested that around 25 per cent…
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When the proverbial rainy day arrives for British consumers many now rely on borrowing and not their savings, it has been claimed. Close to half of the homeowners polled recently by Alliance & Leicester said they would struggle to cover…
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As many as one in three British consumers have confessed that hey are seriously concerned about the current state of the UK economy, it has emerged. Figures from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) show that a record number of people…
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Borrowers around the UK are having face up to the new reality that credit has become much more expensive to access, it has been suggested. According to Jamie Elliott, coordinator at financial inclusion network Transact, Britons are finding their budgets…
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The average annual percentage rates (APRs) being charged by credit card providers in the UK has been increasing in recent months, according to a new report. Figures compiled by MoneyExpert show that after their zero per cent balance transfer period…
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British consumers have been urged to keep a close eye on their finances in order to avoid facing serious debt management difficulties. Consumer education manager at Experian James Jones has insisted that credit users ought to reassess the state of…
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