Credit card companies are likely to steadily increase their interest rates over the course of next year, one expert has asserted. Samantha Owens from Moneyfacts is convinced that borrowers will be faced with increased costs and the potential for further…
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Billions of pounds worth of credit card debtlooks set to be switched from one provider to another in the early weeks of 2008, according to a recent study. Research by Abbey found that around three million British consumers, who collectively…
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Heavy expenditure over Christmas has prompted many people across the UK to plan a modest new year celebration, according to recent research. A study by found that the average amount that a British consumer plans to spend on new…
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British consumers who have accumulated significant amounts of debt over the festive season have been urged to consider ways to consolidate their arrears. Alliance & Leicester suggests that by securing a low-cost debt consolidation loan, some of the UK’s millions…
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Millions of people from across the UK have suffered financial damage as a result of heeding the advice of their friends and family, it has been revealed. Close to a fifth of all adult consumers have made what proved to…
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Credit card debt looks likely to fuel much of the spending on British high streets in the final hours before Christmas, according to recent research. Figures compiled by Sainsbury’s Bank show that around £380.9 million worth of credit card debt…
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Many of the UK’s over-55s are struggling to maintain control over the debt management situation, according to a recent report. Figures from the credit report firm Callcredit show that around 16 per cent of all people in this age bracket…
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Money lenders around the UK are likely to increasingly tighten their credit criteria in the new year, one expert has asserted. Neil Munroe, external affairs director for Equifax is convinced that more and more people will have their credit applications…
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