Credit card debt and unsecured lending both fell in August 2007 while mortgage lending rose, according to the latest figures from the British Bankers’ Association (BBA). The BBA said that net mortgage lending rose by an underlying £6.1 billion during…
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Britain’s indebted children are relying on their parents as a debt solution, according to the latest research from Some 40 per cent of parents have been called upon to offer their children some form of assistance with their debts,…
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The type of debt that is causing people to need a debt solution or debt advice is changing, according to Credit Action. Chris Tapp, deputy director of the national money education charity, has said that mortgage payments have replaced credit…
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National money education charity Credit Action has called for greater financial education to help people with debt management or to stay debt free. The organisation’s deputy director, Chris Tapp, said that while further regulation is not necessarily the way to…
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Prepaid credit cards can help people stay debt free, according to Tuxedo, a company that offers such a product to the market. One of the benefits of using such a card is that no debt is taken on, according to…
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Consumers have been advised by an industry expert to keep an eye on their credit report in the wake of the credit crunch. Jim Hodgkins, managing director of, has said that it is important those who are not debt…
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Hobbyists across Britain are managing to avoid the need for debt management to enjoy their favourite pastimes, according to research from Friends Provident. The firm found that while around one in ten (nine per cent) of people spend more than…
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There are risks associated with spread betting as with any other form of trading, according to the chairman of a bet broker and clearing house. Wayne Lochner, chairman of Betbrokers, said that there will always be people that struggle as…
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