Credit card companies compete fiercely with other lenders to attract customers due to the sector being a “hugely profitable” area of financial services, according to one expert. The savings manager at independent financial adviser (IFA) AWD Chase de Vere has…
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Credit card fraud, which could leave those affected with high credit card debt and in need of a debt solution, is the biggest financial headache facing holidaymakers. Research from First Choice has shown that the average cost for each credit…
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Millions of credit consumers around the UK are feeling the financial pinch after five rises in the cost of borrowing over the past 12 months, one expert has made clear. Susan Hannums from financial advisory firm AWD Chase de Vere…
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British consumers have been warned to be wary of builders who might seek to overcharge for the work they carry out. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment suggests that vigilance on the part of consumers could help them avoid…
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A number of expert observers are convinced that the Bank of England will introduce a further rise in the cost of borrowing over the coming months, it has emerged. With millions of consumers already facing serious debt management difficulties, the…
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The nationwide charity Citizens Advice has highlighted some of its concerns surrounding the rising prevalence of council tax-related debt management issues. During 2006, the number of British consumers who approached the Citizens Advice for advice about how to deal with…
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Millions of British gamblers are dealing with debt management difficulties as a result of their betting habits, according to new research from The financial comparison service has revealed that a full 13 per cent of those people who bet…
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The charity has criticised what it perceives as a growing tendency among lenders to initiate court action over unpaid mortgage demands, rather than taking such steps only when other options have been exhausted. In response to the latest repossession figures…
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