People may be placing their personal finances at risk by not owning adequate insurance for their properties abroad.
New research carried out by Sag…
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People who are unemployed may be more likely to struggle with debt and become insolvent, it has been claimed.
Peter Law, president at R3, was speak…
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People remain uneasy about their financial futures because of current political and economic uncertainty, it has been claimed.
Mark Saddleton, head…
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The number of people at risk of personal insolvency could be on the increase as it has emerged that an online debt counselling tool has seen its popul…
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Individuals attending weddings could be placing themselves at risk of debt because of the money they shell out to take part in the celebrations.
Continue reading the "Wedding costs to result in money worries?" »
People who live in rural areas could be at an increased risk of money worries as it has been revealed that they tend to know less about their right to…
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Self-employed workers in the UK could be at more risk of falling into debt than those who are employed by others.
Rhiannon Davies, co-founder of Sh…
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Men who are spending money on creating rooms in their homes to watch the football World Cup could be placing themselves at risk of future debt.
Continue reading the "Male World Cup spending to result in money worries?" »