A number of individuals are concerned they will not be able to afford to maintain their current standard of living once they retire.
MGM Advantage …
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People struggling financially could be disheartened to learn that overdraft rates are at their highest level in a decade.
New figures released by M…
Continue reading the "Overdraft rates ‘could exacerbate debts’" »
People could be left out of pocket due to lax regulations regarding rail ticket pricing, it has been suggested.
Richard Hebditch, campaigns directo…
Continue reading the "Rail price hikes ‘may lead to financial dismay’" »
Restrictions placed on mortgages could leave some people at a financial disadvantage.
Independent financial research from Defaqto has shown that ov…
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Personal insolvencies are likely to remain high in the coming months as significant levels of unemployment continue.
This is the view of Chris Tapp…
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The number of people at risk of personal insolvency could be on the increase as it has emerged that an online debt counselling tool has seen its popul…
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Individuals attending weddings could be placing themselves at risk of debt because of the money they shell out to take part in the celebrations.
Continue reading the "Wedding costs to result in money worries?" »
People who live in rural areas could be at an increased risk of money worries as it has been revealed that they tend to know less about their right to…
Continue reading the "Rural citizens at greater risk of money troubles?" »