In its reviews of firms selling the policies that are meant to offer protection on loan repayments, the authority said that information was often unclear and PPI was even sold when it was of no benefit to the holder. “The…
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In the AA Savings report, nearly a third of parents said that they expect to end up broke due to paying for children, while 17 per cent specifically expect to pay off their offspring’s student debts. Lloyd East, director of…
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According to Lloyds TSB premier American Express credit card, failure to consider gifts as part of a debt management plan is costing £736 million each year. “Life can be stressful and leaving things to the last minute can not only…
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Yet according to IFA Promotion, around half will break this promise of better debt management as 52 per cent of people breach a new year resolution by June. “Many of us clearly have good intentions when it comes to sorting…
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Writing in his column in the Daily Telegraph, Andrew O’Hagan said that figures showed that the number of families with Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) had risen from 5,000 in 2002 to 40,000 this year. “This is the wider issue thrown…
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Financial advice website states that people seeking to transfer their credit card debt could risk ending up paying higher interest rates if they are refused. “Our research shows Brits face a bit of a gauntlet when dealing with the…
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Alliance & Leicester’s report states that even when excluding mortgages, the average divorcee ends up with £4,984 of debt and is also likely to have no savings left. Findings also indicate that those preparing for a divorce would also benefit…
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According to the National Debtline, rise in demand for debt advice is mirroring Britain’s mounting financial problems. “Most people’s finances are in quite a parlous state by the time they get to us. It’s not uncommon for a caller to…
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