According to the bureau, prices are on average 60 per cent more than in 2003, leaving many in debt as they struggle to pay bills just to survive. “This is the latest in a series of price increases hitting people…
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With the Alliance & Leicester expanding into the market with its Premier Mortgage Service, credit reference agency Equifax said it was a sign that there is a growing market of mortgages for people in debt. Commenting on the decision, Equifax…
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Anne Kiem, head of wider financial learning at the school, claims that plans to introduce financial education in schools needs to be improved and called for it to become a separate subject. “Plans to make financial education part of the…
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In it, the DTI said that the government should educate children and adults about the problems of debt, such as through the expanding of access to finance information for employees. Plans are also included to improve the financial education of…
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The average owed for each year of study now stands at £3,103 according to LloydsTSB and Push, a nine per cent drop on last year’s figures. “This year’s debt fall probably indicates some belt-tightening on the part of today’s students,”…
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Howard Archer, senior UK and European economist at Global Insight, said that this month’s increase had not had the full effect that the Bank of England hoped for. Also to blame were rising debts, fuel prices, bills and university tuition…
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Residents spend 97 per cent of their income on basics such as council tax, utility bills, travel expenses and repaying debt, the YouGov poll found, beating London. Commenting on the findings, Combined Insurance spokesman Nigel Brittle said: “When monthly income…
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Robert McKinnie hanged himself at his Isle of Wight home in February after he received around 15 calls per day from banks demanding repayment for debt. “They were aggressive, threatening calls, threatening him that he would lose his home and…
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