Many supermarkets offer credit cards with loyalty schemes, but research from shows that customers could get a better deal elsewhere. The credit cards tend to have higher interest rates than traditional credit card providers and money saved on loyalty…
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A recent study carried out by the financial organisation urged people to start saving for their future before they passed the age of 30. But, according to Prudential spokesperson Anthony Frost, the difficulty of getting onto the property ladder and…
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The proliferation of ‘rate tarts’ those who move their debt from one zero per cent interest credit card to the next will see some 5.8 million credit card holders move an average of £2,061 on balance transfers, according…
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Despite the 73 per cent increase in bankruptcies since last year, economics analyst Lombard Street Research remains positive regarding the consumer outlook. “We remain optimistic on the UK consumer outlook,” said the firm’s Michael Taylor. “The recent surge in individual…
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Compared to the same quarter in 2005, the number of English and Welsh court orders to repossess a house increased by 57 per cent to nearly 22,000. According to the Department of Constitutional Affairs figures, repossession levels have been rising…
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The research reveals that people aged over 50 are finding it harder and harder to pay bills and, as a result, are turning to their overdrafts to make do. Of the 4.5 million older people who regularly use their overdraft…
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The Mail on Sunday reports that, as the number of personal insolvencies rises rapidly in the UK, many people in debt are being advised to take out individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs) or debt management plans (DMPs) that could be more…
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New figures from the Insolvency Service show insolvencies in the first quarter were up for both individuals and companies, as bankruptcies and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) soared. Individuals accounted for 23,351 individual insolvencies in England and Wales in the quarter,…
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