Suppliers ‘need to pass on prices’

Energy users should not have to foot the majority of the bill for infrastructure and network developments in the industry, one specialist has suggested.

Consumer Focus energy expert Audrey Gallacher said that while investing in the sector was important, it is unfair for customers to “pick up the full tab”.

She said: “It is critical that energy companies quickly pass on wholesale price falls to consumers to help keep bills down and [ensure] that the energy efficiency of all households is improved.”

Her comments come after research by comparison site estimated that household power bills could reach annual rates of £4,733 by 2020. This would represent a four-fold increase on today’s prices.

According to the report, £548 a year will be added to bills for investment purposes.

Furthermore, the rise in single-person households coupled with an ageing population means any savings introduced by energy efficient developments could be negated by rising energy demand.

By Francis Finch


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