A successful ClearDebt IVA holder, “Struggling 63”, whose IVA completed in July 2010, shares his story of debts and how an IVA changed his life and his attitude to money, in the hope of inspiring others who are in debt or just starting their IVA.
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We are appalled at the behaviour of the biggest organisation representing creditors in IVAs – TIX. Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are supposed to be accepted by creditors when they are affordable, achievable and represents the debtors’ best efforts. They are supposed to be the best a person can do to repay as much as possible of the debts. It’s a five year commitment (usually) and its pretty fair for both sides – but it isn’t supposed to be set at a level that makes life horribly hard.
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ClearDebt’s monster series continues with another great animated video!
Continue reading the "Two for tea on monster friday" »
ClearDebt’s Andrew Smith comments on credit card debt and how cards with attractive introductory offers can trap many people who already have debt problems.
Continue reading the "0% credit cards – It’s a trap. Really." »
Figures released recently by the Chartered Management Institute show women still earn 25% less than men. But, figures from leading UK debt solution company, ClearDebt, shows that when it comes to people with serious debt concerns, younger women earn more and owe less than men of the same age.
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Recently figures showed it will take 57 years for the gender pay gap to close and for women in the workplace to be earning the same amount as men. ClearDebt’s Jacqueline Cohen decided to take a closer look specifically at the statistics for women in debt and came up with the following conclusions.
Continue reading the "The big debate: Do women really earn less than men, and if so, why?" »