Ministers: Supercasino will increase debt

Commenting on Glasgow’s bid for a new “super-casino”, a Scottish Executive spokesman said that while the casino would give an economic boost, it was concerned about the social impacts of debt and gambling.

Enterprise minister Nicol Stephen said to BBC News: “Having considered the potential economic benefits and possible negative impacts of new casino developments, we recognise that proximity to casinos can increase rates of problem gambling.”

His remarks come follow a string of stories highlighting the problems of gambling debt in recent weeks, particularly amongst those using credit cards on online sites.

However, the report claims that it is not just online gambling that could cause problems but large casinos as well, though Mr Stephen said he thinks there are ways to manage such problems.

Yet with fears that many could be driven into debt and even bankruptcy by gambling, Mr Stephens called for strong safeguards to deal with problems if a supercasino is built.


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