Consumers taking out debt in the form of personal loans could be benefiting from lower rates, as typical charges have been found to be dropping. According to a study by, the average of the top ten deals is 8.35…
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Measures designed to help those with credit card debt have been described as “too little, too late” by one expert. The UK Cards Association produced a report outlining ways in which the industry intends to support consumers, but chartered financial…
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The UK’s recent cold snap could add to the money worries of many households, as research has shown energy bills are likely to rise significantly. According to, increased energy consumption in the last three weeks could mean overall bills…
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Millions of UK parents are being forced back to work as a result of rising debt problems, a new survey has revealed. Conducted by Scottish Widows, the study indicated that the typical household including dependents has outstanding mortgage amounts of…
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Adults in the UK appear to prefer supermarket providers of credit cards to high street banks. This is according to a new survey conducted by, which found that approximately two million people are unsatisfied with the customer support offered…
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Those in debt may find their financial situations become more difficult to manage as it has emerged that petrol costs have risen above £5 a gallon for the first time in more than a year. AA representative Paul Watters noted…
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Personal debt statistics for the UK have been released by Credit Action, revealing that 133 per cent of average earnings for British adults is owed. It emerged that the total amount for the country had reached £1,459 billion by the…
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The amount spent on credit and debit cards this Christmas has exceeded that of last year, a new report has revealed. Figures published by Barclaycard have indicated that, between December 19th and December 31st, shoppers paid for more with plastic,…
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