Those in debt and concerned about their financial situations may be at increased risk of physical pain, new research has suggested. CreditExpert and chartered physiotherapist Sammy Margo have identified a new phenomenon – recession strain injury – the symptoms of…
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British citizens are more worried about their levels of debt than any other country in Europe, excluding Spain, with many stating their borrowing is not relative to their income. This is according to a new survey by fund manager Janus…
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British banks may soon be faced with many more complaints from debtors who have been subject to bank charges since July 2001, after research from Which? revealed that 63 per cent still have not made claims to recoup their money.…
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Santander’s decision to introduce a fee free current account has been described as a “very significant” development in the banking sector as it may drive other financial institutions to offer better deals to customers. Head of consumer finance at…
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The Citizens Advice Bureau has voiced its support for the Financial Services Bill, with director of public policy at the body Teresa Perchard saying that it is an “important step forward” in supporting the public in such difficult times. She…
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Those already experiencing debt management difficulties have been advised to be wary of telephone scams that are being particularly targeted towards those who owe money. External affairs director of Equifax Neil Munroe noted that vulnerable people are convinced to part…
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Debtors have been offered advice by the Church of England (CofE) to help them limit their money troubles this Christmas. According to national stewardship officer Dr John Preston, creating a budget and then leaving credit cards at home and using…
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Britons are growing evermore positive about their financial futures, a new survey has revealed. According to the University of Bristol’s Personal Finance Research Centre, which carried out the study alongside Ipsos Mori on behalf of Genworth Financial, a shift towards…
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