In an age when credit becomes easier and easier to get hold of, more people are getting stuck in a debt cycle facing a lifetime of debt, it has been warned. Research carried out by has shown that credit…
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It is essential that young buyers clear any existing debts when making plans to purchase a property, it has been revealed. Nationwide Building Society has released its top ten tips for graduates looking to get on the property ladder with…
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The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is set to introduce comparative tables for payment protection insurance (PPI) from March next year to help people avoid accruing more debt than necessary. PPI has been a contentious issue in recent months, with the…
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Consumers are being urged to remember their household bills in the coming days, with postal strikes being conducted across the UK. Industrial action in the shape of a series of 48-hour strikes – the first of which commenced yesterday afternoon…
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The high level of spending on partners could be the start of ongoing money problems and lead to greater calls for debt advice, it has been suggested, after a survey from Abbey Current Accounts showed that the average Brit spends…
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Nottingham has been identified as one of the top areas in the UK for items bought via credit card fraud, it has been revealed. Consumer watchdog Early Warning, publishing research on the issue, stated that residents of postal areas in…
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British consumers have become accustomed to borrowing and happier to take on large amounts of debt, it has been suggested. A spokesperson for Saga claimed that the attitude of people around the country has shifted and that now debt management…
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Credit card users in the UK, many of whom are already dealing with a debt management headache, have been warned that they risk being defrauded by using their cards outside the UK. Figures from the UK’s payment association Apacs show…
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