Those currently in credit card debt could find their situations grow steadily worse, as new research has revealed that rates have reached a 12-year high. Compiled by, the statistics have shown that this figure has peaked at 18.8 per…
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Parents may be risking incurring debt problems by sending their children to nursery, as research has revealed that childcare costs are climbing. According to the report published by the Daycare Trust, such fees are increasing faster than inflation, with the…
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Potential debt problems may arise for those Britons who are married, as a new report has revealed they are paying more tax than their counterparts in other countries. Conducted by the Christian social policy charity Care, the study Tax Burden…
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The British public appears to have taken a few financial lessons to heart following the recent economic crisis, which has been described as “a huge shock” for the country. Head of consumer finance at Ed Bowsher made this observation,…
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Those with debt problems may find that contacting the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) could help. This is the opinion of the head of the National Audit Office (NAO), Amyas Morse, who noted that the organisation’s scheme providing…
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Self-employed workers in the UK may be experiencing greater debt and financial difficulties, as a charity has witnessed a climb in calls from such people. The Consumer Credit Counselling Service recorded a 78 per cent increase in those phoning in…
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Those experiencing debt problems or other financial concerns may find the launch of a new helpline useful. Introduced by consumer watchdog Which?, the scheme provides those who ring in with product comparison tables, an advisory service and further guides regarding…
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The number of people experiencing feelings of depression as a result of the economic downturn has been described as a “complex problem” by the chairman of a debt charity. Malcolm Hurlston of the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) made this…
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