A large proportion of Britons will work towards becoming debt free in 2009 rather than focusing on more traditional new year’s resolutions such as losing weight, it has been suggested. In a poll carried out by Halifax Credit Cards, 57…
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The launch of a new ‘no-frills’ online energy tariff has been welcomed by price comparison website Confused.com. E.On’s Extra Saver package, which has become the cheapest energy tariff in two of the UK’s 14 regions, has helped challenge British Gas’…
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Homeowners who are struggling with their mortgage repayments have been urged to contact their lender to try and ensure the problem does not escalate. The advice comes from the Building Societies Association (BSA), which was responding to the government’s plans…
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The Consumer Council for Water has offered tips to homeowners looking to save money on their utility bills during 2009. According to the body, consumers can cut their energy bills by taking a number of steps, including replacing worn washers…
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Many adults are having to delay their retirement due to the current economic crisis, new research has revealed. A study by Life Trust found that 23 per cent of those surveyed can no longer afford to retire at the time…
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Consumers struggling to control their finances have been advised to seek help with their debts. According to Carl Kroger, sales and marketing director from the Relax Group, debt-burdened Britons should ensure they keep a written record of their finances, including…
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Britons have been urged to address their finances and take steps to end contracts with phone or digital TV providers if they feel they can no longer pay the bills for these services. Jill Blake, a spokesperson for financialadvice.co.uk, stated…
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Credit card customers will be looking to make higher repayments on their balances in the current financial climate, Equifax has claimed. According to the financial services firm, a growing number of consumers are set to switch from credit to debit…
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